Oyster Reefs & Projects
The Heron’s Head Oyster Reef
located at Bayview-Hunters Point.
This reef structure is working hard to help the health of the water around the India Basin area. They protect the shoreline, increase biodiversity and filter the surrounding water. We helped the Port to install 60 Oyster Reef Balls that are made from ECOncrete (a sustainable material). This was all part of the Greater Heron’s Head Park Shoreline Resilience Project which is working to protect wetland habitats and shoreline integrity.
We attached approximately 2,000 lbs of bagged, recycled oyster shells to the inside of these balls. All of the shells were collected from local partnering restaurants that share in our mission through our “Save Your Shucks” program.
Within just one year, the area's biodiversity has undergone a significant transformation. Shorebirds have returned, and we've observed the emergence of new inhabitants, including hermit crabs, who are calling these reef ecosystems home.
Other Restoration Projects
If you’re a private dock owner, you can provide a place for us to deploy an oyster Base Camp. As well as aiding in the health of the water, you can also help us collect essential oyster data.
This would require a Wild Oyster Project staff member and trained volunteer to access the Base Camp once every 6 months for oyster monitoring and maintenance. We can also provide training and tools if you as a Base Camp host would like to monitor and maintain it yourself.
We are currently collecting information on potential new OBC locations. If you would like to be added to a list of potential new sites, please contact us
Every oyster habitat makes a difference.