March 2019


Aw Shucks! The Wild Oyster Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Sunday March 10th 2019 1pm-6pm : San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival
Saturday April 13: Merritt College BioFest 2019
April 22: Earth Day

Every Saturday at 1:30 pm in March is Wild Oyster Saturday at Bay Natives Nursery!

Image Credit: Christopher Jewett/NBC Bay Area

February Rains Bring Oyster Pains

We saw an incredible amount of rain in February and while we are happy to have it, what does all this freshwater mean for oysters? Oysters like brackish water with salinity levels around 25 ppt. When it rains, a lot of that rainwater flows into the Bay, lowering salinity levels and stressing our Olys.
International Ocean Film Festival
The Wild Oyster Project will be tabling the San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival on Sunday, March 10th from 1pm to 6pm. Stop by and say hello! See incredible and inspiring films. More information at the film festival's website
Welcome to the Oyster Family - The Claremont Hotel

The Wild Oyster team met with the chefs at the Claremont Hotel who will be saving shells to aid in oyster restoration in the Bay. The Claremont has an ambitious sustainability plan and oyster recycling fits the bill. We will be collecting shells from the in house restaurant and delivering them to Ploughshares Nursery in Alameda. We are still looking for a midden site closer to the Claremont if you know of any possibilities!
Crab Pot Reefs

In coordination with the San Francisco Community Fishing Association, the Wild Oyster Project is building a prototype oyster reef that uses upcycled crab pots filled with oyster shell. This method has met with success in North Carolina, and we're excited to build a prototype of our own. Watch a short YouTube video about the North Carolina project.

The Passing of the Shuck Bucket

Our dedicated volunteer, Cosette, has been picking up shells from HobNob Restaurant in Alameda every week for almost a year and delivering them to our midden site at Ploughshares Nursery. We welcome a new volunteer, Kathleen, who will be picking up the HobNob run. A big thank you to Cosette and Kathleen!
Aw Shucks! Is a newsletter of The Wild Oyster Project. For more news and updates check out our blog

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Please consider a donation to support our work
Linda Hunter