Western Snowy Plover Habitat Enhancement

We donated 3200 lbs of recycled oyster shells to support the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. This project (by SF Bay Bird Observatory and California Fish & Wildlife) aims to boost the Western Snowy Plover population, a federally threatened species and a California Species of Special Concern. According to research, these adorable birds prefer nesting in areas with ample oyster shell substrate. Researchers believe this is because oyster shells provide the perfect camouflage for eggs and chicks as well as protects them from blowing sand. Just another way oysters are giving back to the biodiversity of our ecosystem!

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Linda Hunter
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Our Oyster Base Camp Program

Within our program, we deploy miniature oyster reefs, referred to as "Base Camps," throughout the San Francisco Bay. These structures are metal cages that hang from numerous docks within the water column, and they host our recycled oyster shells. In addition to enhancing water quality and improving biodiversity, these camps provide us with crucial data on the locations where oysters are thriving. The long-term goal is to use this data to create more permanent reefs!

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Linda Hunter
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